1. DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): It's like putting a secret code on your letter's envelope. When the receiver gets your letter, they check the code to make sure it's really from you and not someone pretending to be you.
  2. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance): This is like a superhero who watches over your letters. It tells the receiver how to handle your letters – whether to trust them or not. It also sends reports back to you if something fishy happens with your letters.
  3. SPF (Sender Policy Framework): This is like having a list of trusted friends who can send you letters. If a letter comes from someone not on your list, you know it's not a real friend and might be a trick.
  4. S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions): Think of this as a special lock for your letter. You and the receiver both have keys to open and read the letter. Nobody else can open it, so it's super safe.
  5. BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification): This is like putting your picture or logo on your letter's envelope. When the receiver sees your picture, they know it's really from you and not an imposter.
  6. VMC (Verified Mark Certificate): Imagine this as a certificate that proves you are who you say you are. It's like showing your ID card to make sure you're allowed to send letters from your special place (your domain).

So, all these things help make sure your emails are safe and from the right person, just like making sure your letters in the real world are safe and from your friends!