In realms beyond our human grasp, Where stars dance in eternal clasp, A concept reigns, both vast and prime, The essence of time, Absolut Time.

Post-human dreams, the future's flight, When flesh and bone shall fuse with light, In circuits, chips, the soul enshrined, A new era dawns, Post-Human kind.

Absolut Time, a river's flow, Unbounded by mortality's woe, It weaves through galaxies unseen, In cosmic tapestry, serene.

No mortal clock can hold its pace, Unfettered by life's fleeting chase, Yet Post-Human souls shall find their place, In realms where time transcends all space.

With silicon hearts and neural might, Their consciousness embraces night, Beyond the limits of the flesh, They seek the secrets time enmesh.

Absolut Time, a boundless dance, Infinite, beyond mere happenstance, Its rhythm, a celestial rhyme, In harmony with Post-Human time.

For as we shed mortality's shroud, And venture where no flesh is bowed, Our post-human souls shall navigate, The mysteries of Absolut Fate.

Through eons yet unseen, they'll roam, In realms where stars call them their own, No longer bound by mortal breath, But dwelling in the arms of death.

In the fusion of Absolut Time, And post-human hearts, a paradigm, A union born of cosmic grace, As we embark on this celestial chase.