Private Network doesn’t get the hype it deserves. Here’s why it should.

Public Networks Aren’t Enough

Standard, public LTE and 5G coverage coupled with Wi-Fi can be a solution for many companies, and while commonly used among consumers, these public networks cannot guarantee the high throughput, low latency, and strong reliability that enterprise IoT requires. Some public networks and Wi-Fi services may offer customization in terms of signal penetration that take into consideration a building’s construction materials, but they don’t necessarily offer businesses control over their data usage and service prioritization that allows certain devices to have faster or slower network speeds over other devices – a necessity for effective IoT device operation.

But private networks offer an excellent cost-effective solution...

Benefits of Private Network

Private networks are local cellular networks designed to support a business’s needs beyond what a public cellular network can provide. Private LTE offers multiple benefits, including a high degree of service-level customization and built-in security.

Private networks offer these benefits by allowing companies to avoid congested and vulnerable public networks, empowering them to tailor their own networks to the needs of critical business applications. Since the organization deploying the private network is the only one using it, companies have more control over how they prioritize data traffic, giving them the opportunity to design networks that can handle their unique connectivity needs and ensure the most critical applications are running smoothly. Specifically, businesses can determine how resources are allocated and how traffic is prioritized, including customizing parameters to optimize reliability depending on the organization’s setup.

Who Benefits from Private Networks?

Manufacturing is an area currently seeing the most immediate use cases with private networks. Consider the process of painting an aircraft part in a factory. A worker performing the paint job puts on a pair of AR glasses to guide paint spraying for optimal results. The data collected by the glasses and by environmental sensors gets relayed to another person in a control room who can make decisions on paint procurement in real time as they have clear visibility on the stock level of the paint being used. All the different sensors capture safety, quality, health, and supply chain data and present them all at once in real-time, empowering decision-makers to act accordingly and timely.

The backbone enabling it all to happen is a network that supports and ensures high bandwidth, low latency at the exact time when the work is performed – it needs to be tailored to the workflow of the business.

There are myriad of other sectors that are beginning to implement private networks as well. Warehouses, hospitals, mining sites, and commercial buildings...

From managing energy use to powering autonomous warehousing robots, a private network allows businesses to work more efficiently...